xPert Help NPIC

xPert Help

For support with xPert, Please use one of the following options:

  •          Send an email to support@mtuitive.com with a description of the issue.
  •          Go to www.mtuitive.com and select the support option and begin a new support ticket.

A support representative will respond promptly.

Launching xPert

How to Launch xPert & Begin a Session

Open any internet supported browser (i.e. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox) and go to https://xpert.leedsth.nhs.uk/ . Once there, enter your username and password and click Logon. You can then create a new synoptic report:

Starting a New Case

Enter in the case ID you use to track this particular report. Note that you can use a bar code scanner or enter a Case ID manually. Ensure that any manual Case ID matches your trust's Case ID format, including leading zeros.

Select which template you are using (dependent on specimen/organ type)

Open an Existing Case

Select the Open Synoptic Report button and click on the case you would like to reopen.

Entering Information

After launching the template, you are then brought to a blank report.

Users then go through each field to fill out their responses. Users select or type in their responses and then go on to the next field until the report is completed. The types of questions/fields that users will enter in information are:

  • Multiple Choice - Single Select
  • Multiple Choice - Multiple Select
  • Text fields
  • Number fields

As you go through the report, some fields are required (denoted by a red circle next to it). These are fields required by the College of American Pathologists to meet Commission on Cancer standards. You can tell, at a glance, how many required questions remain unanswered in the bottom left corner of your screen. 

Navigating Between Questions

On the right side of the screen, where you enter in your responses, you can see buttons used for navigating through xPert. These buttons can either be clicked using mouse/touchscreen, or you can configure your keyboard shortcuts as desired. Specifically, you can tailor how the Tab key will advance you through the report. To learn more about this, please read the How to Use the Tab Key section below. You may also click directly on the question you wish to navigate to.

  • Next Unanswered: Brings you to the next question that doesn't have a response, skipping over any fields that have been answered already.
  • Next Required: Skips to the next required question, allowing users to focus only on those required fields to meet standards
  • Previous: This brings users back to the previous field - no matter if it was answered, required or anything else; it takes you to the field preceding the one you're currently in.
  • Next: This button navigates users to the next field, again regardless if it is answered or required; it just takes you to the next field in the template.
    • xPert can also be configured to enable entering in responses in Single Select fields automatically advances the user to the next question. When you enter in your answer for that field, it automatically navigates you to the next question. To learn more about how to configure xPert to do this, please read the section Using Single Select List Auto-Advance below
Previewing Your Report
As you fill out your report in xPert, if you want to see what the finished product will look like, you can click on the Preview button.

Finishing Your Report
Copy Synoptic Report Output
By utilizing the preview function, you may copy all of the collected data with the copy all function. This should be used if you’d like your final report to be added to a text based pathology report (e.g. many use a Microsoft Word as a text editor) or anything other than a PDF. 

The preview contains a Copy To Clipboard button which can be used to paste all data into the final report.

Once you've reviewed everything, and are satisfied with all of your responses, click the Copy All to Clipboard button. Return to your pathology report and navigate the cursor to the location you would like to add the synoptic report. Use the Paste function (CTRL-V) to add the synoptic report.  You can then return to your browser and end your xPert session (See ‘Exiting xPert’).

Saving a Report
To save a report that is not complete, use the navigation panel and select Save. This will allow you to return at a later time and complete the report.

Submitting a Report

To submit a report that is complete, use the navigation panel and select Submit. This will complete the report and send the data downstream to the COSD registry. (NOTE: you are able to reopen a submitted case, make changes and submit again.

Saving a Report as a PDF

In the navigation panel, you can click Download PDF

This should only be used if you want the resultant PDF to be your final report.

If you would like your final report to be a PDF, click Download PDF and select Save:

You will then save the PDF onto your computer/workstation.

Please note: you can name the PDFs however you like and save them to whichever folder you prefer. 

Exiting xPert back to top

Once everything is saved you can end your xPert session. To exit xPert you can either:

  1. Hit the X on the top right part of the window
  2. Click Close and then Close once more.
  3. Click on your username in the upper right and logout.


How to Use the Tab Key back to top
Many users are comfortable using the Tab key to navigate through a form. If you would like to do that, you can configure your tab key so it navigates the way you want it to. Simply click on View and Default Navigation Action.

By configuring this selection, you're not only determining where Tab key will send you, but also changing which button on the navigation pane will be automatically selected (which one is green, as the "Next Unanswered" is in the screenshot). The three options for Tab key are:

  • Next: This button navigates users to the next field, again regardless if it is answered or required; it just takes you to the next field in the template.
  • Next Unanswered: Brings you to the next field without any response, skipping over any fields that have been answered already.
  • Next Unanswered Required: Skips to the next unanswered required question, allowing users to focus only on those required fields to meet standards

Additionally, using Shift+Tab acts the same as hitting the Previous button, sending the user back to the previous question.

Using Single-Select List Auto-Advance back to top

One way to help expedite reporting is using the Single Select List Auto-Advance feature of xPert. By enabling this feature, users automatically move on to the next question as soon as they enter an answer in any single-select section. With any question that only allows for one answer to be chosen out of a multiple choice, as soon as that is selected, the user is navigated to the next section without having to hit the Next button or Tab key.

To enable this feature, select View from top menu bar, and then select Allow Single-Select List Auto-Advance.

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