Deploy CAP 2020 Cerner
mTuitive has been working hard to update the College of American Pathologists' electronic Cancer Checklists (CAP eCC)! When you are ready to deploy the updated 2020 CAP eCC to either Test or Live environments, please follow all of the steps below:
1. Log In: Sign into CAP eFRM as an administrator who can access the database administration tools.
2. Inactivate Existing Templates: From the right-hand, Deployed Templates panel, choose Group LIVE or TEST from the dropdown depending on the environment to which you want to deploy. Select any Template Set from the Template Set dropdown, then click "Inactivate All."
DO NOT click "Delete Template."
3. Deploy New Templates: From the left-hand panel, select "DEV" from the Group dropdown. Then, select a 2020 template set, (e.g., "2020 February CAP") from the Template Set dropdown, and check any CAP templates you would like to deploy. Templates can be selected individually by clicking the box next to the name of the desired template. To select all the templates at once, click the top box to the left of the header "Template Name."
On the right-hand panel, select Group LIVE or TEST and a 2020 template set (e.g., "2020 February CAP"), then click the large black arrow (circled in green below) to deploy templates.
4. Please wait while templates deploy: Grab a coffee but don't go too far!
5. Done: Please note that deployed templates will be highlighted in green in the left-hand panel.
6. Open APDBSTools. The final step is to open APSDBTools in whichever domain you deployed to and import the worksheets. They will then be available to the Pathologists.
7. The update is complete.