Setup xPert with MEDITECH Expanse

  • Setup
  • Setup

    1. eFRM must be loaded on the user’s client when Thick Clients are in use. If MEDITECH WPL is being utilized to access the application, the eFRM URL needs to be available for use. 
    2. The SQL database for eFRM must be set-up. 
    3. The PTH System Parameter Allow Synoptic Data Sections must be defined as “Y."

      Meditech Staff > Toolboxes > NPR > LAB > Application Installation > Enter/Edit PTH Parameters > Page 1 
    4. The user, password, and Registry Key/URL will need to be set up within the PTH customer-defined parameters.

      Dictionaries > LIS A-L > Customer Parameters > Enter/Edit PTH > Page 2
      1. If MEDITECH will be connecting via desktop (thick) client, then the Desktop User ID, Desktop Password, and Desktop Registry Key will need to be input. User IDs and passwords are provided through mTuitive. 
        1. For Windows 32 bit version Registry Key:
          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\mTuitive Software\mTuitive xPert Client
        2. For Windows 64 bit version Registry Key:
          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\mTuitive Software\mTuitive xPert Client
      2. If MEDITECH will be connecting via WPL (Web Platform), then the User ID, Password, and URL will need to be input. User IDs, passwords, and the URL are provided by mTuitive. 
    5. A Synoptic type data section must be created and attached to a PTH Specimen Type.

      Dictionaries > PTH > Data Section > Page 1
      Dictionaries > PTH > Specimen Type > Page 1 
    6. Report creation
      1. Data Section Format The standard .SYNOPTIC data section format can be used or a custom one can be created in the Data Section Format dictionary.

        Dictionaries > Reports > PTH Data Section Format 
      2. PTH Report Format The created data section and data section format can be attached to the PTH Report Format dictionary entry to determine its placed on the report. The Include PTH Synoptic Data may be defined to dictate if synoptic type data sections appear on reports with INTERNAL discrete synoptic data with HL7 tags, EXTERNAL textual results with no HL7 tags, or both. Leaving this field blank assumes EXTERNAL.
      3. Regulatory report The Include PTH Synoptic Data field should be defined as “Internal”.
      4. Physician Report The Include PTH Synoptic Data field should be defined as “External”.

        Dictionaries > Reports > PTH Report Format
        Dictionaries > PTH > Data Section > Page 2
        Dictionaries > PTH > Data Section > Page 2

    All images in this document were taken from MEDITECH internal training rings to ensure no real patient data was used.

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