Database Administrator for eFRM/xPert User Guide

Launch DB Administrator

CAP eFRM/xPert DB Administrator is launched as a downloaded component of the xPert Shell.  The username used to access CAP eFRM/xPert determines which applications a user has access to.  A user in the CustomerAdmin group has access to the DB Administrator.  After a successful login, the user is presented with the screen shown below:

The left panel represents the templates in the mTuitive Cloud. The DEV group is the only group that can be selected from the left panel. Any Template Sets in the DEV group will populate the Template Set dropdown in the left panel.

Configure Local databases

NOTE: Configure databases only when working with mTuitive Customer Support

The right panel represents the local CAP eFRM/xPert environments – TEST and LIVE. Select a group (TEST or LIVE) from the Group dropdown. To set the Group Setting for the database connection string, click the Edit CN … button next to the Group dropdown. The following is displayed:

Here the connection string and database type can be applied as a Group Setting. (Note: this can also be set in the mTuitive Cloud).   The connection string for LIVE and TEST should never be the same.  Each of these groups (TEST/LIVE) should have their own database configuration.  Additionally, be mindful of selecting the correct database type (Microsoft SQL or Sybase).

Deploy Templates

Each quarter throughout the year, your institution will receive detailed instructions on publishing templates as necessary. These instructions are specific to your laboratory system.

The right panel represents the target for the templates in the cloud in the left panel. The large button with the right-pointing arrow in the center of the screen is the trigger for deploying templates from the cloud to the local environment. One or more templates must be selected from the left panel before deploying:

Select a Group from the right panel and then a Template Set and then click the large arrow button. A notification dialog is displayed relaying the status of the deployment.

Once all templates have been deployed, the status will be reflected in the notification dialog:

Deployed templates will update to green in the left panel to make it easier to see what has and what has not been deployed.

Deployed Templates

The right panel represents templates that have been deployed to the local environment. One or more templates can be deleted simply by selecting the template(s) and clicking Delete Template. Entire template sets may be inactivated by utilizing the Inactivate All button. This will remove all templates from the Report Group selected.

Report Locking

Report locking occurs when a report is improperly closed due to power failure, lack of network connectivity and other issues. In order to view Locked templates, a Group and Template set must first be selected from the Templates view. If locking has occurred on one or more reports, the lock can be cleared from this view by selecting the report in question and clicking the Remove Lock button in the lower right corner.

NOTE: Clinisys CoPath Plus users should use the Synoptic Unlock Tool located under Browse All in the CoPath Plus menu.

Oracle Cerner Millenium users should use the Remove Worksheet feature on the Enter Findings menu located in PathNet.

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