Query Builder Quick Start
The mTuitive Query Builder allows for querying of synoptic data collected by the CAP eFRM application. It is intended to gather synoptic results based upon a worksheet or template and selection criteria within each of the worksheets or templates. It does not provide a mechanism to link the data from the APLIS system.
The Query Builder allows the user to select the search criteria by using a set of comparators based on each individual question and the associated answers. Date ranges may also be applied to the individual queries.
Logging in and getting started
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Open the CAP eFRM application manually.
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Log in using the username and password assigned by mTuitive. You will then see the following window:
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Select the highest version number for the template or worksheet on the left for the query you would like to build and click ‘OPEN’
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- The upper left window will display the template(s) you will be querying and the upper right window displays the available criteria options based on the questions and answers within the template. Items in green and black are selectable. Items in blue are section headers and contain no data.
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Once you have double clicked a question on the left, it will be displayed in the bottom window along with the appropriate comparators for that data type.
Comparator Values
Once you have selected a question to set the criteria, you will see the question, comparison, and value dropdowns.
- For list questions such as single or multi select, available comparisons are:
= equals to, <> not equal to, or Any Value
- For questions and answers that are numeric, the comparisons are:
= equal to, <> not equal to, > greater than, < less than, >= greater than or equal to, < less then or equal to, Any Value
- For questions and answers that are free text, the comparisons are:
= equal to, <> not equal to, contains, Any Value, wildcard
Saving and Copying Results
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To save a query for future use, click on the ‘SAVE’ button, give it a name and then click ‘OK’
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When you construct a query and then preview the results, you may elect to save the CaseIDs in total or copy an individual result.
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Use the Copy Case Ids button to select everything in the left panel.
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Use the Copy Case Results button to copy the individual case.