Create and Insert a Synoptic Report in PowerPath

Create a synoptic report

In Powerpath, open a pathology report in the Results window and simply open the PowerPath case in Word. Then, click on the mTuitive Synoptic Reporting tab.

To create a new synoptic report, click the “New” button on the mTuitive Synoptic reporting tab. 
eFRM will open and you may select the template you desire from the list.
After you select the template you wish (In the example (Uterine ) click the ‘Open’ button. 
Once you press ‘Open’ you will be taken to the CAP eFRM tool with the template loaded. 

Complete a synoptic report

Example of a template. Left side shows all the portions of the template with required and non-required fields. The right side are the possible selections you can choose from for each field. 
Navigating through the template: If you want to go through the entire template, then use Next Unanswered button as this will take you to every field in the template. If you only want to focus on the fields that are required by CAP, then use Next Required button. The previous and next buttons will take to you to the field before or after whether they have responses or not. 
Another example of a template: 
Another example of a template:

If you are not sure if you have filled in all the required fields, use the following Steps:

View   List Unanswered Required Questions. See next step for following “pop up” screen. 
The following pop up screen will be displayed, which lists all the required fields that still need to be completed. 

Preview a synoptic report

AT ANY POINT of completing the template, if you would like to Preview your report (an unsaved version) you can select the Preview Synoptic Report button. 

Once you press Preview Synoptic Report, the following screen will pop up. 

Save an incomplete synoptic report

If you need to save an incomplete report that will be worked on later, follow these steps:

Select Save and Close and a pop up window will appear. 

Select OK and your report will be saved. This will close out the template and take you back to PowerPath.

Submit a synoptic report

Once all required fields have been filled out and you are ready to submit the report, click on Submit and Close. 

This will close out the template and take you back to PowerPath. Note: you may re-open and edit this synoptic report as many times as you like before the case is signed out.

Insert a synoptic report

Place the cursor in the pathology report where you would like the results to appear and click on the ‘Synoptic Reports’ dropdown. 

Note the templates that have been submitted have a status of ‘Can Insert’ Templates that have only been saved are not eligible for insertion.
The insert button will activate and you may click on it to insert the results. 

Options and additional steps are as follows: 

Opens the selected synoptic report in CAP eFRM. You can simply view the report, or you can edit previously-answered questions or add answers to previously unanswered questions.

Inserts the selected synoptic report at the cursor location. Always be sure to position your cursor in the PowerPath patient report at the location you wish the synoptic report to start before you click this button.  

Removes the selected synoptic report from the PowerPath patient report. If you happen to insert the synoptic report at the wrong place, or if you inserted the wrong report, simply remove it by clicking this button. Then position your cursor in the PowerPath report document at the correct location, and use the insert button again.
Open Button Insert Button Remove Button
In Progress: Enabled Disabled Disabled
Can Insert: Enabled Enabled Disabled
Inserted: Enabled Disabled Enabled
Inserted-Final: Disabled Disabled Disabled

Generally, you want to insert the synoptic report on a blank line below any of the gray boxes found in a typical PowerPath Word template, as seen here:

Update a Saved Synoptic Report


Choose the Synoptic Report you wish to update from the dropdown:


After you Submit the synoptic report , remove the existing copy from the report using the Remove button:


Insert the updated synoptic report, just as you would insert a brand new report.

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