CAP 2019 Checklist Updates

Upcoming eFRM/xPert Function Additions in 2019

Along with the updates to CAP 2019 checklists that we are incorporating, mTuitive will be deploying new functionalities into their software. Below is a brief outline of some of these additions, with more thorough information being released once these features are live.

Repeating Sections

Repeating Sections allows users to select a particular field/question and have it repeat (along with its properties) within the template. To add a repeating section, click on the green plus sign next to the field (as seen in the image below).

Users can hit the Green + as many times as they need in order to include appropriate responses. If you inadvertently add too many sections, you can always click on the Red X to remove the repeated section (as seen below).

Hitting the Red X to remove the section will create a prompt to make sure that this is the intended action.

Embedded Lists

Embedded Lists allow sections to have lists within lists. Once users select a particular response in a section, another list may appear to further expand upon the answer given. This allows for greater in depth answers, without additional navigation, while retaining structured data and synoptic formatting. Please see the video below for an example of how Embedded Lists will appear and work within mTuitive's software.

April 2019

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